Find the perfect Tweet that defines your Startup

It’s been a year of Grumo making for the startups of the world and I am having lots of fun.
Every day is another challenge, new products, new startups, new clients, new CEO’s of cool companies coming to Grumo for some demo video magic.

On Monday I met with too insanely smart kids that used to work at Amazon building obscure algorithms for their product recommendation engine.
They crossed the border from Seattle cause they wanted to meet me in person (and one has family in Vancouver, it was not all about me haha!)
They are about to launch a cool new travel app and they wanted me to meet me in person to discuss a possible video.

I told them I did not care if I was the one they chose to make their video.
I was just so happy to get to talk to a couple of passionate young entrepreneurs about their new startup. That alone made my day!

They demoed their product, asked my opinion and advice to improve it and explain it.
I felt useful giving them my insights on how to best tell their message.

Some times it is very hard for a new startup to find the best way to explain their product.
Many new apps have so many features, can do so many cool things but in the end you only have a few seconds to make an impression on a visitor before they click the back button and never come back again.

Trouble finding the perfect twitter pitch? Grumo will help you

Their product is amazing, beautifully designed and executed and completely new, no one has done something similar and because of that it is a challenge to explain to people for the first time.

They will be launching sometime in January so I told them in the meantime to think of ways they could define their whole company value proposition in a single sentence, in one Tweet length (140 characters) to be precise.

In fact, I recommend all entrepreneurs to do so. It can be very hard to do so but it will do wonders to help the startup spread their vision.

A tweet can be easily remembered and shared. A tweet is inherently social and it is the perfect length to spread a message in a way that easily sticks in people’s minds.

Here are some examples of startup tweet definitions, let’s call them Tweetups or Tweetpitchs:

  • Facebook a social network that helps you connect and share with the people in you life
  • Twitter allows you to share and get short updates under 140 characters from your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.
  • Grumo creates awesome demo videos that help promote your startup, increase conversions, and raise money from investors.

You see, you can tell quite a bit in just a tweet!

Finding the perfect tweet definition for your startup will be a challenge but it will do wonders to help spread your message.

And if you want help crafting the perfect Tweetpitch for you startup in the form of an awesome demo video.. well here is Grumo for you!

Pretty cool uh? so how would you best describe your startup in 140 characters?

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