Today I test drove a Tesla Model S: The future is here!

Miguel just about to drive the most advance car in the history of human kind.
Miguel just about to drive the most advanced car in the history of human kind.

Since the Tesla Roadster came out I always wanted to sit behind the wheel of one of these powerful futuristic electric cars. Today that wish came true!
I test drove a Tesla Model S, holy cow.. the future is here! and it has arrived to Vancouver!

Today I drove the most advanced electric vehicle in the world and it felt good.
You see the expression of the Grumo logo on my shirt?
Yes, that is exactly the same face you’ll get when you floor the gas.. I mean, electric pedal and feel your body being compressed into the seat but hear no angry revving up engine, just silent smooth acceleration, no gear changes, just pure fluid electric clean power transferred to the massive 19″ back wheels.

I’ve been driving the same 1994 GEO Metro beater for almost 14 years. So driving an $84K super car is a big jump, in fact, in kind of feels like a bungee jump (Here is me bungee jumping in Costa Rica). Lots of adrenaline and a stunned face after the experience.

Nope, I’m not going to buy a Tesla, maybe when they come with the affordable version for the masses in 4 years.
But even then I won’t buy a new one, I don’t believe in spending money on cars, I like to invest my Grumo dollars in things that can make a difference and provide real value, mainly people, ideas, and experiences. When I need to get a rush I rent a cool car, test drive it, or try something new like bungee jumping.

Tesla and Elon Musk

Tesla is slowly but surely revolutionizing the car industry, the days where electric cars where looked down on because of sluggishness, limited range and looks are over for good.

The founder of Tesla, Elon Musk is the new Henry Ford, Tomas Edison and Steve Jobs combined and so far everything he is building is changing the world, accelerating us into the future. PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity.. what else Hyperloop?

Want to know more about the genius behind Tesla?
Watch this doc and try not to feel too unaccomplished:

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2 thoughts on “Today I test drove a Tesla Model S: The future is here!

  1. Albert Hathazi Reply

    Hey Miguel, that drive must have been amazing. The car looks awesome.

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