Learn how to create persuasive explainer videos – Take the Grumo-Mixergy Master Class

After my interview at Mixergy, Andrew Warner asked me to put a 1 hour master class together to teach his premium subscribers how to create persuasive landing page videos.

In this class you will learn how to create quick and effective landing page promo videos so you can get more conversions, educate and entertain your customers, and ultimately get more sales.

Here is Andrew’s intro video for the Grumo-Mixergy masterclass:

How to create persuasive explainers by Grumo Media on Mixergy

A lot of the content for this class is actually taken from my more in depth 9 chapter course on how to create awesome demo videos like the ones at Grumo which you can get at http://grumoschool.com

Thanks Andrew, thanks Mixergy, and a million thanks to all those who watch the masterclass!

UPDATE: Here is what some people are saying about this class already:

Incredible content – loved how granular it was. Not pie in the sky but actually got down to the nuts and bolts

This class was great! I liked how organized the presenter was, and I felt like the section where he went over the script was very useful. While it was clearly “useful but incomplete” I actually liked that GrumoMedia offers a fairly inexpensive course as an upsell.

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6 thoughts on “Learn how to create persuasive explainer videos – Take the Grumo-Mixergy Master Class

  1. Anonymous Reply

    even Andrew is taking video lessons from Grumo Media . Great job pal!

  2. Bobsmith Reply

    This is a joke people… I guess you can take it and not need to know how to animate but your vidoes will look cheap just like his do. I wouldn’t buy his product as the video was poorly written and produced. You need to feel proud of your product. do it right hire professionals!

  3. Curtis Reply

    The Grumo videos are amazing!

    I have worked with Miguel on a large project, and I can tell you he is one smart cookie. A jack of all trades, and damn good at it all. A Genius. What else?  Super fun to work with.
    And he’s teaching you some of his skills?
    Anyone that can learn from the Miguel at the GrumoSchool.com is going to be entertained and saturated with incredible and relevant knowledge.
    I wouldn’t hesitate for a second to recommend Miguel.

    Now go and find the “TEACH ME” button!

    And honestly, if you get a chance to personally work with Miguel the Mad Scientist. (Migs) You will be impressed!

    Curtis Robinson,
    Production, Post Production, and Technical Director currently working from an EcoFriendly studio made of MUD (Cob).

    • Grumo Media Reply

      Thanks the nice endorsement Curtis! very nice to see you around this parts of the interwebs.

      Curtis rocks too! MUD houses are the best!

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