If you have ever been curious about Grumo Media, its Founder Miguel, or starting your own company, then I really recommend you grab a coffee, tea, or Jack Daniel’s and watch this interview.
During the interview Miguel shares lots of insights into how Grumo got started, managed to grow the company, and great advice for first time entrepreneurs.
I apologize for my bad hair, it really looks I just got up from bed (probably the case) but I’m not sure because this was recorded over a year ago now. Oh well, you’ll get a true honest look at the crazy mind behind Grumo Media.
Thanks a lot to George “Siosi” Samuels for letting me re-post this interview on my blog.
You can check more awesome interviews about animation, creativity, and entrepreneurship on his website at www.siosism.com
Enjoyed it? Here you have 7 more interviews with Miguel Hernandez:
The origins of Grumo Media: A story of trial and error – Miguel Hernandez
Running an Animation Studio by Grumo Media – Interview by Animation Orbit
Running Grumo Media and Insights on the Demo Video Market
“Life is too short not to take risks” – Audio Interview with Grumo
How Grumo Overcame His Fear of English and Built a Successful Company
How To Create Videos That Get You Customers – Mixergy Interview
Explainer Videos Explained: Interview by The Local Method

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