The Physical Network uses genius technology to have your fans promote your festival on your behalf.
Animated explainer video produced by Grumo Media.
You’re putting on a big time music festival.
The bands are booked.
And now it’s time to spread the word.
You’re advertising, but there’s a part of you that knows people don’t go to a festival because of ads, they go because of what their friends have to say.So, wouldn’t it make sense to have your biggest fans promote your festival for you – to their friends and friends of friends?
We thought so too...Introducing, The Physical Network, where fans promote your festival for you, in exchange for free tickets.
It all starts with our genius technology that helps identify your most influential fans.We then build a relationship with them, train them, give them super powered tools – like a cutting-edge app, social media plug-ins, insight into their friends’ music tastes, and all of the latest Festival news turning them into your top promoters .
It’s completely risk free. You do nothing and pay nothing unless tickets are selling.
And this entire magical process is managed for you.You can just sit back and monitor the progress, watching all the conversations starting and sales happening in real time.
The Physical Network helps you build a strong personal connection with your most powerful fans.
And our loyalty program keeps them happy, coming back year after year with more of their crew.
So get in touch with us today, and get your fans working for you.

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