Product demo video produced by Grumo Media.
In today’s changing I.T. landscape you now have several applications and workloads driven by mobile, big data, social and different types of clouds.
And while data growth can mean new opportunities… keeping costs low, and managing and accessing data can mean a whole whack of new challenges.
A public cloud for your test and development seems like a good idea.
But can you bring data back in line with compliancy when you you’re ready to take the application live?
And as for storage some workloads need more speed and for others, it’s all about capacity.
So, how do you manage all of these silos all with different administrators, and do it efficiently?
And what about all your applications and workloads?
Heck, if all this isn’t enough, you have the board pushing you for a faster time to market.
The system is out of control.
But it doesn’t have to be, thanks to…
EMC and Proact’s software-defined data center approach.
We give you the power to manage and automate all storage resources for traditional and next-generation cloud storage platforms all from one self-service portal.
Proact will guide and provide you with a full suite of data center solutions and cloud services step-by-step towards your own software-defined data center.
You’ll benefit from:
– A Faster time to market
– More control so you’re less reliant on other administrators
– An alternative to the public cloud and be able to bring your data back from Amazon
-And it means one management layer for all your storage solutions like SSD, Flash and more, regardless of the brand.
If you’re ready to take control of your business and move towards a software-defined data center, start your journey today.
Download our ebook with tips, tricks, best practices, and case studies.

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