Demo video produced by Grumo Media.
(Click Here to watch Spanish version)
Did you know that all children have the right to go to school,
to be taken care of when we are ill,
to play with our friends,
to be listened when we have a problem or
to be protected when someone wants to hurt us?How do I know?
Because the Convention on the Rights of the Child says so.If any person violates any of your rights, you have to claim it and demand it be accomplished!
You must ask for help from someone you trust and go to court in your country.But if you fail getting help, now thanks to the Third Protocol of the Convention,
you can make a complaint to the Committee on the Rights of the Child
and they’ll see where you stand.How? It’s simple, just send an email to this address or a letter stating your name and that has happened.
If the Committee considers that the Government of your country has not made a sufficient effort so that your rights are respected,
they will tell them what to do to improve your situation.Claim your rights and remember that the Third Protocol was created to help you!
If you want more information go to