This video has been produced by a bunch of creative grumosapiens at Grumo Media.
Your friends are all over the place, literally
different cities, countries, and who knows some day even planets..And online is the same deal.. some are on Facebook,
some on Instagram, on Whatsapp, linkedIn, Foursquare, Google+,It doesn’t make sense to have to check 7 different places to connect with the people that we care about.
We need a common place from where we can connect with everyone
and that place has arrived, it’s called well.. Connect! (what else could it be?)Connect is an app that allows you to check what all your friends are up to regardless of where they are hanging out.
(Just think of) Connect as the ultimate address book.
It automatically synchronizes your phone contact list with all the contacts you have across all the social networks your friends are.You can connect with your friends via SMS, Phone, Email, Facebook or LinkedIn messages from a single place!
You can quickly search your whole network – filtering by location, school, workplace, gender, and more.
You‘ll see a map of where all your friends are in the world so when you travel to a city you can find out right away who you could connect with.
Or if a friend comes near you Connect can let you know so you can say hi or do something together.Once you download Connect you’ll never have to worry about updating your friends (email, phone, twitter or website address,) because Connect automatically figures out which is the most up-to-date contact info..
it’s that smart! (yeahh..)So no matter how many friends and contacts you have
(from now on) you’ll always have them with you wherever they arethanks to..
All your friends in one happy place