New Grumo: What is TrapCall?

TrapCall allows you to unmask blocked calls.

Animation by GRUMO.

Grumo Trivia

There is always a story behind a piece of art, I mean a Grumo video.
Here are some interesting facts behind the making of this grumo:

  1. This the second video for this client. The first one was for their product SpoofCard (Watch Here)
  2. Funny enough SpoofCard allows you to mask your phone number!
  3. The original video had my voice but decided to get a native North American voice to better cater their target audience.
  4. There were 5 script revisions and 5 animation revisions.
  5. The last script revision changed the word “get” to “read” where it now says at 00:56 “voicemail transcriptions, so you can read your voices messages as text messages or emails“.
  6. This video was animated using a combination After Effects and Cinema 4D.
  7. It uses the same sound track as the SpoofCard video. We actually tried 5 other tracks but ended up going back to the original.
  8. Woman’s voice and stalking boyfriend scream performed by Miguel Hernandez

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