Demo video produced by Grumo Media.
Having many friends is awesome!
But organizing things to do with your friends can feel like herding cats.
Movie, club, house party, concert, dinner, bbq, ball game, beach..
What to do? Where to go, and who should you invite?
Don’t worry, with Ussemble making plans is super fun and takes only two easy steps.
1. Float ideas: All your friends get to share and comment on each other ideas
And 2. Create a plan: select the most popular Ideas and start planning the details, like time, place and what to bring, all right from the app.
Use our privacy controls to select exactly who gets to see your ideas
cause you know, sometimes 10 don’t fit, and even three can be a crowd. (ahem)
Spend less time planning and more time having fun with your friends.
It’s time to party!!
Get Together Better!

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