Quandora is a Questions & Answers app that helps people within organizations share their knowledge in a fun, simple and easy way.
Explainer demo video produced by https://grumomedia.com
Client’s Testimonial:
I greatly enjoyed working with Grumo, and with Pedram, in particular, and I’m very satisfied with the result.
The communication was open and efficient, and I felt that you’ve understood our business and captured well its essence in the video.
I particularly appreciated being in touch with the creative person from the very first contact (versus a “sales call”), this brought early visibility on Grumo’s way of working and was helpful in the decision making process. The actual production went really fast, we’ve been permanently on schedule (or even ahead).
Personally, I enjoyed the type of informal, easy-going (yet entirely professional) communication established with Pedram.
I would (and will) definitely recommend you guys to other companies, and I would (and will) definitely use you again for future needs.
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Thanks to Andreea for trusting us and for being an awesome client. This video was produced from scratch in 2 weeks. We look forward to more projects like this at Grumo Media. Oh yeah!
Pedram FTW!