Whether you are a Cloud Service Provider or run your own private cloud at Big Corp Inc.
Your cloud issues are pretty much the same.. let’s take a look
For your server and storage department guys.. Life is easy!
Almost anything they need to do can be done with the click of a button.
So why is poor Peter in the networking department sweating bullets all the time?
You see, your network is made of a complex arrangement of devices from all kinds of vendors.
Some are physical some are virtual,
their manuals look like telephone books
so configuring and troubleshooting them is a nightmare!
What can you do?
Give me an “n”, gimme an “X”, gimme a “Cloud”.. n-Cloud-X!
With nCloudX Peter can design a high level network using a simple drag and drop screen in a jiffy!
Check it out, in a few clicks Peter can set up server firewalls, configure load balancers, or scale the network to handle unexpected traffic.
nCloudX does all the behind-the-scenes magic to turn your design into an actual network, automatically!
It really doesn’t matter how complex your network is, nCloudX will make sure all your physical or virtual devices, regardless of vendor, work nicely together.
Now all Peter needs to do to is kick back, relax, and look at some pretty graphs.
And you? well isn’t it nice to finally have a happy money making cloud?
Network as a service made easy!
Brought to you by Anuta Networks
Demo video produced by https://grumomedia.com

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