Product demo video by Grumo Media.
The average person belongs to 18 different membership and loyalty programs.
And most of them offer perks and discounts, saving you about a thousand dollars or more every year.
Pretty sweet, right?
Truth is.. you almost never get these discounts.
You don’t know about them.
And if you do, keeping track of them all is a ton of work or you simply forget to use them.
But that money IS yours.
So go get it, with Larky.. a free web and mobile tool that helps you get all the discounts deserve.
And it does the heavy lifting for you.
Larky keeps track of the perks and discounts of 2000 of the most popular membership organizations.
All you have to do is sign up online or download the mobile app.
And then just add your memberships with the tap of a button. No membership numbers or passwords necessary.
Then it’s simply “set it and forget it.”
Whenever you’re shopping, in person or online, Larky lets you know when it’s time to cash in.
It’s free. It’s easy. It’s Larky.
Get What You Deserve

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