Product demo video produced by Grumo Media.
Service Providers know that the most powerful form of advertising is a personal referral. KnownCircle helps you scale your personal referrals by allowing new customers to find you via trusted friends – right at the time of their need.
Here’s how:
Join for free and start adding customers to your KnownCircle.
Let’s say loyal customer Jack obliges. All it takes him is a single click to join your KnownCircle and in doing so he publicly endorses YOU as a trusted provider.
With a simple share he can now instantly amplify his endorsement and connect you to his entire social network.But that’s not all. Buyers will keep discovering you on For e.g. when Jack’s friend Rita searches for providers in her city, she will see your profile and that only you are endorsed by her friend Jack.
In both cases, new customers find you via trusted friends.You can get all the analytics on referrals, quote requests, trends via our easy to use provider dashboard.
It’s time to get started with social referrals – join and let quality leads find YOU!

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