Demo video produced by Grumo Media.
It’s your job to you keep your company’s data safe.
But your data is growing by the day and it is everywhere.
And so, managing and protecting applications and databases in both physical and virtual environments is becoming more and more challenging.
And backups and restores take a lifetime.
So, what if something happens? Can you recover your data in time?
Who’s got your back? You need…
CommVault Simpana.. a kickass data management platform that is a giant leap forward in protecting, managing and accessing your information.
Lighting fast back-ups and snapshot integration ensure all data can be protected in even the shortest backup window.
Application-consistent backups guarantee successful restores of all major applications.
Still moving the same data over and over again?
Not anymore.
Built-in deduplication and compression enable efficient data management, making sure you only have to deal with new and unique data.
And if you want to archive old emails or files, it’s done with laser-like efficiency. (IT Guy shoots lasers out of his hands and an email and file icon freeze or are caught in the rays/lasers. The word “archived” appears.
The CommVault Simpana combined backup, snapshot, archiving and deduplication solution is proven to reduce costs over separate products by providing a single interface allowing administrators and users to manage data.
Operational reports and analytics can be used to bring down costs even further.
And heck, if you don’t have enough resources to deal with this yourself, Proact offers a back-up as a service solution in Proact’s data centers based on CommVault Simpana.
We’ve already helped thousands of companies’ transition to the cloud.
AND if you’re ever in need of backup, no sweat, our support team has your back, 24/7.
It’s time to put data in its place.
Proact & CommVault Simpana

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