Yesterday I sent a mega blast email asking everyone to Unsubscribe from more Grumo messages.
For most online marketers this would be the equivalent of shooting oneself with a bazooka in the foot.
For me is just a way to do things backwards and see if good stories come out it to share with my grand children.
<aside note>
My foot actually hurts… but not from a bazooka but from an 200 pound human looking ape that decided my foot was a soccer ball at last Thursday’s soccer game.
I’m from Spain, now living 20 years in Vancouver, Canada eh!
And like most Spaniards I love soccer, not so much watching it, but actually playing it… 5 times a week!
No wonder I get injured right? add to that the fact that 80% of Canadians play soccer like if it was hockey.
</aside note>
Back to yesterday’s email. I decided to go all transparent, open the kimono, say things like I see them.
That’s why I asked you to unsubscribe. I only want you to stick with me if you care and if you are ready to join me in this ride.
But before I tell you where we are going let me tell you where this ride started…
It all started last January 7th when I met Dan Martell at his hometown in Moncton, New Brunswick.
Dan had recently sold his third company Clarity.fm and had embarked in a journey to teach thousands of entrepreneurs how to build and sell companies.
I’ve been now 5 years producing videos for some of the top Silicon Valley startups and selling thousands of online courses on Udemy.
It’s the later that caught Dan’s eye and that’s why he invited me and 5 other very successful online marketers and educators to join him for a 3 day intensive masterminding retreat in the middle of nowhere (Moncton)
Dan is a pretty sharp guy. And what does a sharp guy does when he wants to get really good at something fast? Answer: reach to the top people in the industry and pick their brains.
So if there is one lesson you can take from this email is that next time you want to get good at something get on the phone or the Twitters and reach out or get introduced to the top guys at that something.
Get them on Skype, invite them for lunch, dinner, provide value, praise them and them ask them questions!
Sometimes a 20 minute conversation with the right person can save you thousands of dollars in mistakes or useless trials and errors.
Dan knows this so well that he created an entire company around that concept.
Can you guess which one? — Yes, Clarity.fm – a service that allows you get top business advice from entrepreneurs over the phone.
Back to Moncton. So Dan invites me and 2 weeks later I fly overnight Vancouver-Montreal-Moncton.
The only request Dan has for all the participants is that they prepare a one hour presentation to teach something to the rest of the group.
This may be hard to believe coming from someone that has spent hundreds of hours goofing around in front of a camera recording online courses but, before this trip, the last time I did a live presentation in front of a group was in grade 5th more than 3 decades ago (I played Miguel Servet and had my penis amputated – figuratively of course)
You see, I can spend hours teaching people how to build an online course or even how find true love online but only if I’m hiding at home with just my computer and webcam as witness.
Public speaking, even in front of a small group, no way Manolo!
I was psychologically defecating my pants at the prospect of having to do this presentation.
Of course, I procrastinated till the last day before the trip to put them together.
I say them because I ended up doing not one but three presentations!
Why? because when I came up with the topics none of them would last more than a TED talk (18mins) so I needed at least 3 to fill an hour.
Are you still with me? I really don’t know how long to make these posts.
It would behoove me to make them shorter since I’m planning to write one a day who knows for how long.
Ok, let’s talking and more action then. I’d love to share with you one of the three presentations.
But I would love to do it LIVE, how about that!
So what will be the live presentation about?
Here is the title: “The story of how one single email made me one million dollars, boom!”
Does that sound intriguing or what?
Maybe too cheesy ok.. Originally I called it “The Power Of Strategic Giving” but that sounds too boring.
Anyway, if you want to learn how I made $1MM with one email (and much more) then I invite you to join me live tomorrow Thursday, May 12th at 10am PT live at this link: https://grumomedia.com/live/
I’ve never used YouTube live before so get your popcorn ready to witness a disaster unfold before your eyes.
The presentation shouldn’t take more than 20 minutes and I’ll leave some time for Q&A at the end.
I won’t be selling you vacuums or anything in this presentation. This is just for you if you are curious about my story and how I built my business. I think you’ll find it at least somewhat entertaining.
I’ll send a reminder tomorrow too.
See you there!
Peace, Love and chocolate cookies,
P.S: This live presentation thing has been totally improvised while I was writing this post.. ha!
P.2: You are welcome to invite your friends, family and pets to enjoy the show. Woof woof!
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