Explainer demo video produced by Grumo Media.
How do you keep track of all your experiences when you travel?
You can take countless photos, write notes, keep recipes, or buy souvenirs
but after a long trip, your memories will get fuzzy or even disappear completely!That’s why we created KeepTrax
KeepTrax is an app that automatically creates a private digital journal of all the places you visit!
KeepTrax uses a combination of GPS and smart algorithms to determine where you’ve been, like restaurants, shops, attractions,
and displays them as pins on a map together with any photos you took at those places.
so when you return home, you can easily recall your entire trip,
share the best places and moments with your family and friends.
or even get a hard copy of your travelogue printed, right from the app.KeepTrax lets you share your journeys in real time so your friends and family can virtually tag along for the trip.
You always decide exactly what to share and even for how long.
So when the time you set is up.. poof! no more sharing!You can even see fun facts like number of miles traveled, top places visited, your busiest days, and much more!
Download KeepTrax and make your next trip unforgettable!

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