If you have ever run or jumped and leaked, JustGo Pad is for you!
Explainer demo video produced by Grumo Media.
Ladies, has this every happened to you?
Well take a deep breath, you are not alone.
In fact, this even has a name: Exercise-Induced Urine Leakage or if you prefer…Exercise-Induced Urinary Incontinence.
And this is happening to so many of us women who are pushing their athletic potential.
Some pee a little. I, myself, pee a lot.
So what are we going to do, avoid working our asses off just because of a little wee wee?
Or fight this battle head on, with JustGo Pads from JustGo Girl, the only product on the planet, other than an adult diaper, that will allow you to work as hard as you want without having to worry about making peepee.
JustGo Pads are absorbent, light and teardrop shaped, providing full protection on the front and tapering off the back so nobody else will know you’re padded.
There’s absolutely no chafing, and they’re so absorbent you’ll get through your hardest workouts and longest runs without ever having to worry about springing a leak.
Take care of number one, with JustGo Pads!

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