So many options, paths, possibilities, career choices and so many of us stuck not knowing what to do with our lives.
Being stuck for a little time is normal but when the “stuckness” feeling spans over too many weeks, months, or even years, then it’s time to do something about it before we expire!
Well, if this sounds like you we want to help you get unstuck, even if its only a bit with this little video.
Without further adieu I’m happy to introduce to all our Grumo fans our second episode of our new Grumology YouTube series:
This episode was inspired by an article with the same title by Oliver Emberton which you can read here:
Written & Directed by Ross Bollinger
Animated by Kirun Kunju
Produced by Grumo Media
What do you think? did you learn something new? Did you like the animation?
What other pressing questions would you like to see answered the Grumo way?
Please comment below and if you want to watch more Grumology videos you can subscribe to our YouTube channel [ HERE ]

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Awesome Grumo media! I love Grumology YouTube series
Thanks for watching Percy!