I’m very excited to announce the launch of a very special online course called “Hacking Online Dating”.
Really, online dating Miguel?
Yes indeed. I know this is a complete departure from my previous courses but since I met my wife in 2008 I’ve had lots of people (including the folks at Udemy) asking me to document the singular yet super effective approach I followed to meet the love of my life.
Well, today and after a few weeks of hard work I’m finally ready to reveal to the world all the secrets of my crazy online dating adventures.
I truly believe that if you happen to be a single man or woman looking for a serious relationship you will benefit tremendously from taking this course.
In fact, I can almost guarantee that if you do what I teach in this course it will almost impossible for you not to meet an amazing partner.
Check out some of the things you will learn:
– How to get 20 quality dates in less than 2 months.
– How to create a killer dating profile (photos, description, and catch lines)
– How to find and attract the best possible candidates online
– How to interpret online profiles to weed out posers and weirdos
– How to create a self promotional video to maximize responses
– How to effectively manage all your dates
– How to become more confident dating offline
– How to get the most out of your dates
– How to choose the best times and places to go on dates
– How to eliminate your fear of rejection online and offline
– How to avoid the most common mistakes when going a date
– How to use your logical mind to avoid falling for the wrong guy or girl
– How to apply the principles of seduction to attract The One
– How to be sure you have found The One or to keep looking
This course is not for people looking for one night stands.
This course is for people new to online dating or who have tried but are not happy with the results they got.
This course is for single people wanting to meet a fantastic partner outside their network and away from the usual and ineffective places (bars, clubs..)
This course is for people ready to have loads of fun and add an amazing experience to their love life.
If that sounds like you or someone you know you can Find out more about this Grumo course here:
Click Here to Join This Course
(NOTE: That is a 70% discount link that will auto-destruct itself within 48 hours.. BOOM!!!)
Peace, love (lots of love!), and cookies,
PS: At the end of the course you’ll get to meet my wife and trust me, it took a lot of convincing to get her in front of the camera 😛
PS2: I’m so confident about this course that if you don’t find a great partner within 2 months after following my advice I’ll give you a full refund even if Udemy refuses to do so after their 30 day full refund policy. Vamos!
Miguel Hernandez
Founder/Creative Director

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“How to create an awesome demo video in Keynote”course in udemy
Fixed! Thanks for letting me know Neil 🙂
This is for guys only, right? 🙁
Originally I targeted to both but the reality is that since the course is taught by a guy (me) the feedback I got is that guys would be more likely to relate to my experience.
However I still think anyone looking for a serious relationship and willing to commit two solid months to online dating will find the course valuable.
I would think the opposite – I would be able to tell what works for women but not how women should date – THAT I would like to hear from guys – what do they expect?
Thanks for responding.