
SpotOn: One Card, Endless Perks

SpotOn is the digital loyalty card of the future. A single card that works at all of your favorite local businesses Animation by Demo Video Transcription Loyalty cards can …


New Grumo: What is Chromatik?

Chromatik is a powerful learning platform designed to help true musicians master their craft better than ever before. Animation produced by Demo video transcription: The process of learning and …

New Grumo: What is 7Geese?

7Geese is an awesome social performance management platform that helps unleash the human potential at your workplace. Explainer demo video produced by Demo video transcription: Linda is wired all …

250,000 Grumo Views Surpassed

At Grumo we like to celebrate little milestones and after 10 months our blog surpassed 250,000 views. Here is a screen shot of the stats: It is a modest success …