Animated demo video produced by Grumo Media.
As an IT Hotshot, the data center is your territory.
Trouble is, both backing up all of this data and recovering it, can be a nightmare.
It’s time consuming. It’s boring. And why do these problems always happen overnight?!
You used to back up to tapes but that’s super expensive, unsafe and can take forever to recover after a disaster.
Well, there’s a new weapon at your disposal….Back-Up-As-A-Service from Proact and EMC.
What the heck is it? It’s a worry-free, fail-proof, cloud-based, replicated backup, archive, and recovery service.
And you need it to run the show.
Our secure local ISO27001 certified data centers ensures your information is in safe hands and keeps unwanted visitors out.
Through incremental back-up compression and deduplication the need for bandwidth is limited.
With Back-Up-As-A-Service, you don’t need to invest in a second data center. Proact’s secure multi-tenancy data center has you covered.
Proact also has your back with 24/7 support while the data is at your fingertips at all times.
For case studies, tips and tricks, go to to download our free eBook.

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