Demo video produced by Grumo Media.
Bette Davis once said, “old age ain’t for sissies.” Boy, was she not kidding… But is it wrong to want to look as young as I feel?
I’ve spent a fortune on skincare products, all promising a lot more than they delivered. But what I really wanted was more than a temporary fx to a not-so-temporary problem. So I decided to consult with a board-certifed plastic surgeon about a more permanent solution.
The Doctor commended me for taking such good care of my skin, but reminded me that while good skincare was important, there was no topical that could deliver dramatic results.
My doctor advised me that the only procedure that could deliver long term, natural-looking results was the “gold standard” — a surgical facelift.
He advised me of all of the details and answered all of my questions. In the end I felt comfortable and confident. I made the decision to have a facelift.
And the results? Well, I think they speak for themselves!

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