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So, you’re interested in becoming a member of the Aesthetic Society but haven’t yet met all the requirements. Or, maybe you’re not quite sure if ASAPS Active membership is right for you.
In either case, it’s worth considering the ASAPS Candidate for Membership Program. Limited to five years, this program offers some of the benefits available to regular members with fewer requirements for entry. Care to give it a try?
Splendid! Here’s the application for both international and domestic candidates. Along with the application, you’ll need to submit the following items:
First, North American applicants must provide documentation of board admissibility from either the ABPS or the Royal College. You’ll also need to provide verification of accreditation for any surgical facilities used.
International applicants will need to provide documentation of membership in ISAPS or a national plastic surgery society acceptable to ASAPS.
All applicants will need to have attended at least one of the following ASAPS sponsored meetings within the past 4 years.
They’ll also need to provide one sponsor from either an ASAPS Active or Life member—or the director of your plastic surgery residency program.
Finally, all applicants must agree to abide by the Society’s Bylaws, Conflict of Interest Policy, and Code of Ethics.
So, are you ready to join the ASAPS Candidate for Membership Program? Then visit and get started today.

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