Product demo video produced by Grumo Media.
Meet Zeke. He’s out to change the world with a groundbreaking new mobile app. The trouble is, with four jobs, he barely has any time to work on it!
Now if he could earn a little money with his app, he’d be able to spend more time developing it, but so far, his revenue streams just aren’t high enough to make that a reality…
Listen…with AdtoApp, we can double that revenue. That’s right!
We’ve partnered with over 20 networks in 184 countries, bringing you maximum CPMs, maximum fill rates, and of course, maximum revenue.
Zeke just adds a few lines of code to his app, and we take care of the rest, sending out payments once a month or on demand.
Now, with a growing revenue stream, Zeke finally has time to focus on his app, developing it even further, growing his revenue even higher, giving him even more time, to make an even better app, earning even higher revenue! And well…you get the idea.
AdtoApp. Doubling your mobile app revenue.

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