The beauty of connecting with like minded people

Today I met for coffee Kurtis Steward a local photographer that loves to blog about his passion at
Kurtis found about me through this post from Sebastian Marshall.

Kurtis is a devote follower of Sebastian Marshall and was plesantly surprised to discover that Sebastian was writing about a liked minded person that happened to live in Vancouver. That person being me.

I guess in the same way I reached to Sebastian Marshall after only reading a couple of his beautifully written posts, Kurtis decided to connect with me. Of course, I agreed. I spend so much time attached to my computer animating, programming, and attending to customers that I forget to socialize.
Connecting with like minded people like Kurtis and Sebastian is one of the most rewarding things we can do to enrich our lives.

We tend to think we are alone in our uniqueness and beliefs that few can understand our particular way of looking at the world. But how wrong we are, the world is big, there are millions of wonderful like minded individuals.

Today we are living in a very fortunate time in the evolution of technology. Today we can reach to anyone on this planet via a multitude of instantaneous systems, email. Twitter, IM, phone. And thanks to search engines and networks like LinkedIN, or Quora, finding liked minded people has never been easier, yet many of us are not taking advantage of this opportunity and still think we have an excuse to feel alone.

You won’t have to try too hard to find people that share your passions, believes, or hobbies however bizarre those may be.
You have services like Yahoo Meetups that help thousands of people with similar interests have face-to-face meetings around any subject you can imagine all across the world.

Similarly, it has never been easier to reach out to the people, the big names, those who which we admire. You will be surprised that despite being very busy, the very successful ones are willing to listen to you. Just make sure you have something interesting to say though before you take their time. And when you hit the big leagues be open to give back your time and advice to those that need it the most.

Here is to you getting off your ass and meeting some real life like minded people!

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1 thought on “The beauty of connecting with like minded people

  1. elramirez Reply

    If we don’t socialize our abilities to create a compelling product are from limited to none. Fails by design. We gotta get out there, in the trenches/hands in dirt, to know our audience, plus networking with like minded smooths the ride.

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