Bebedo is the fastest way to find all the cool activities nearby that fit your schedule.

Bebedo is a startup from Toronto founded by three super smart and nice female entrepreneurs that were a real pleasure to work with.

Bebedo – Grumo Script

Ben wants to do something exciting tonight
so he goes online searching for cool activities to do nearby.
But what is the best option?
So after a long time searching, he gives up, and goes to sleep all disappointed (ohh)
There has to be a better way.. and there is!
Its called Bebedo!
Bebedo is the fastest way to find all the cool
activities nearby that fit your schedule.
Just type your favourite activity
then when you want to start
Now Kate is posting her indoor climbing class
so her class immediately appears on Ben results too
Ben likes it, clicks on it and…
There they are climbing away already.
Ahh, Kate and Ben fall in love.. and..
5 Years later..
They have a cute little boy Max that wants to learn karate to fight the bad guys.
No problemo.. Kate fires up Bebedo and looks for Kids Karate
Great! but only weekdays after 4 pm work for her
She adjusts the time slider and results are updated on a cool calendar in real time!
Next thing you know Max is becoming a ninja!
But instead of waiting … bingo! a tango class around the corner
Thanks to Bebedo and your good neighbours now everyone is having fun!
What will YOU be doing?

Laura Doktorova
Laura Doktorova

Srimonti Karmakar
Srimonti Karmakar

Viera Bibr
Viera Bibr

Produced by Grumo Media. - What will you be doing? .. I think I am going to go Floongy Jumping!