These 25 Mac keyboard shortcuts will help you do things faster and make you look geekier!
- ⌘C = Copy (1:32)
- ⌘V = Paste (2:40)
- ⌘X = Cut (3:08)
- ⌘A = Select all (3:34)
- ⌘Z = Undo (4:05)
- ⌘⇧Z = Redo (4:49)
- ⌘Tab = Switch programs (5:15)
- ⌘` = Next window in current program (5:43)
- ⌘W = Close window (6:07)
- ⌘N = New window/document (6:37)
- ⌘S = Save document (6:55)
- ⇧⌘S = Save document as… (7:29)
- ⌘O = Open document (7:58)
- ⌘P = Print document (8:28)
- ⌘Q = Quit program (9:04)
- ⌘Spacebar = Open Spotlight (9:16)
- ⌘⇧N = Create new Folder (9:39)
- ⌘Delete = Delete Files (9:52)
- ⌘⇧Delete = Empty Trash (10:13)
- ⌘, = Open Preferences (11:01)
- ⌘←, ⌘→ = Move to start/end of line (11:22)
- ⌘↑, ⌘↓ = Move to top/bottom of document (11:58)
- ⌘⇧3 = Capture entire screen (12:30)
- ⌘⇧4 = Capture custom area (13:01)
- ⌘⇧4 Spacebar = Capture window (13:46)
For a complete list of Mac shortcuts go to:

10 Coolest Keyboard Shortcuts You Never Knew About
Dan Rodney’s List of Mac OS X Keyboard Shortcuts & Keystrokes
Ten Safari shortcuts you should know
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Thank you for sharing these basic Mac keyboard shortcuts. They are indeed helpful. Cheers!
This is a great help, thanks for sharing these cool mac keyboard shortcuts. Got to try them…
This was a great help! Thanks!!
My pleasure, thanks for watching!
Thank you for all the effort. Thanks again!!
Your delivery is really fast and clear. Thanks so much for doing this video!!